All About WordPress


Do you want to learn more about WordPress? This is a tool that millions create their own unique websites and blogs. It isn’t hard to learn. It is utilized by novices and professionals. Read this article to get some tips about improving your WordPress skills.

  • Don’t choose a theme that looks like every other WordPress site. While it is tempting to save time, it doesn’t make a good impression on your visitors. You need to spend the time to create a site that showcases your own creativity.
  • Title and Alt. text when you are uploading images to posts. This lets you add some phrases for SEO purposes.
  • WordPress is great for users to incorporate video. This can involve a bit of a learning curve, but it will be worth the effort. The majority of people that use the internet are visual in nature. Videos can teach people much better than the written word.
  • Sometimes you might think none of your changes have been saved. This is likely is not true. Clear you cache to see if that fixes the problem. Your changes should come up if you simply depress the “shift” key while you refresh the browser simultaneously.
  • Do you posts get comments from lots of people? If that’s the case, sorting through the many comments can get difficult both for you and your visitors. You can install a plugin that does this section.This will save time and make the whole process much smoother.
  • You can increase your rank with the search engines by including keywords with your pictures as you upload them. Be sure to put in alternate and title tags to every picture.
  • Allow visitors to email your articles if they want to. This will also allow them to share your content with others.A WP Email plugin can make this easy.
  • Do not use something such as “admin” your own username. Bots will attack your blog if you make your username ADMINISTRATOR or “admin” as a username. This causes your blog to be at a major security risk. Go to your page and delete usernames that are generic.
  • Keep your WordPress password secret so that you will not suffer any security breaches. In addition to that, be careful which plugins you download; you don’t want to inadvertently harm your computer. If your site is hit with malware or by hackers, your hard work could all be lost.
  • Double Check the plugins you use.These are great for adding one-of-a-kind power to your website more powerful. They need to get updated though.
  • Make sure you’re always using the most recent WordPress version of WordPress. Updates usually contain patches that solve security patches which eliminate any vulnerabilities. You can be at risk for malware if you use an old version of WordPress. That is why you should always install updates as soon as they come out.
  • Always make a backup copy of your blog. This must be a regular basis.Xcloner is a great plugin designed just for this purpose.Back your website up with whatever you’re most comfortable with; just make sure to do it in at least 2 places. It would truly be difficult to start from scratch if you lost your blog.
  • You can set up an automatic schedule for your posts using WordPress.Y  ou can set it up so that they are posted at very specific times. You can easily do this by tapping into the Publish command located on your edit screen. Input the time, adate, month, and year that you want your post
  • Give various blog authoring tools a shot. Are you not fond of the WordPress dashboard?  Try a program like Windows Live Writer.There are a lot of tools that work well with WordPress and make blogging more efficiently. Try out a couple of them and then decide on the best tool for you.

Don’t forget about the “read more” button. Nobody wants to see a page full of text on your main page. Let visitors click on “Read More” to read more. Not doing this could make the blog unappealing and rather uninviting.

Look for all of the advice you can get before setting up your WordPress site. For example, social media groups, forums and Facebook groups where you can ask questions and get expert advice.

Keep in mind that categories and tags let you to use SEO keywords across the site. You may have found this article using a search for “WordPress.”

Think about updating WordPress; the plugins your already have installed on your page before using any new WordPress upgrades. If you don’t wait, some tools and plugins might stop working.

When you have learned how to use WordPress, you can build professional-looking websites and blogs. It does not take that much to get started. There’s a wealth of information online that can aid you in making the blog of your dreams. Be sure to take advantage of that…

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